У меня еще mydirtyhobby фоном стоит, так там смотрю чарджбек чел в одном месяце сделал, потом во втором, пишу в поддержку огромную злобную претензию, что это мошенник, раз он в том и в этом месяце чардж делает, они прислали стандартный ответ: A chargeback is an unresolved payment of a customer (i.d.R. Banklastschrift, Click & Buy).
The classic form of a cancellation is that the account of the customer is not sufficiently covered and the bank does not pay the direct debit, so the payment is not executed.
This is the reason for the majority of cancellations.
The other possibility is that a customer manually rejects the payment, thus, the bank is instructed to cancel the payment,
But in the fewest cases.
The customer can do that a few weeks after the payment, which of course leads to the corresponding time-delayed display in the statistics.
Immediately if a canceled payment is reported to us by the payment provider, we will charge our collection with the collection of the canceled payment.
All legal steps are taken so that the customer pays the open invoice.
Depending on the customer's willingness to pay, this process can take a longer period of time as deadlines must always be adhered to.
When the customer has settled his / her canceled invoice, the corresponding items are sent to the respective amateurs in the statistics
Again credited under the then appearing "Chargeback reversal".
За последний месяц его чардж мне вернули на счет, за предыдущий нет. Дрочера не забанили даже! И он ходил именно в приваты, потом пришел ко мне снова, я ему пишу, что зачем делаешь chargeback? Он просто тупо вышел! Вот что за мудаки!!