Смех сквозь слезы, причем, кто этот мем, я даже и не помню.
Сорри, слегка длинно.
HI thanks for the message. I dont have to much planned for the weekend.I usually just stay home as I have no money since my sister took most of it that mom left me when she died. I am waiting to hear when i will get some for being on disability. I broke a tooth because of cavity so I am saving what I can to get to the dentist next month fineally. I broke my tooth last december and The dentist would not take cash or my medicare. so now i have some more cavieties to take care of.I have not took good care of me these last few years and i have bad arteries I think.I am told by the astrologer I will not have an easy death either.I am on thyroid medicine also to correct my blood to the more normal range but I still feel worn out. I told that to 1 at jasmine and she got angry at me and said I am to tired because of to much room jumping.I am not going to talk to very many here and I hope that I will not make to many more angry women here.
...а потом он обанкротился, заболел цингой, а его жену съели волки (с)