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HostMereaneTime11/14/2018 1:06:44 PMSubjectComing Soon: ImLiveCashExpress - Instant cash at aMessage
ImLive is launching ImLiveCashExpress very soon. This will give you the ability to choose when to get paid. You won’t have to wait until the end of the pay period for your earnings! But first, you need to open a Paxum account. Once you have opened this account, had it approved (take note, this may take some time, so do it soon), and have been paid successfully via Paxum for one (1) pay period, you will be able to opt into ImLiveCashExpress. Remember, ImLiveCashExpress gives you the chance to get instant cash immediately, so open your Paxum account now.
Источник: host.imlive.com/forum/forum.asp?CatF=1&forumid=7&forumname=Payment&fatherid=1 или даже так: host.imlive.com/forum/readForumMsg.asp?CatF=1&FatherId=1&forumid=7&msgid=2504300
На паксум будет доступна мгновенная выплата. Не скажу, что это самый удобный вариант, но хоть что-то.
По моему мнению, оплата по периодам всё же выгоднее и дисциплинирует.
Ну и толку-то? есть паксум, выплата на паксум, ежедневка недоступна.
Ответ суппорта
not as of yet, however it is in the pipe line. So watch this space. :-)