ну нашел как региться и что толку......там регистрация юзера.......мне же нужно студию моделей зарегистрировать
Registering a Studio is done in almost the same way as Chathost registration.
Simply register the first account at camcontacts.com/chathostreg.html choosing the second option "I wish to charge and I have no other Screen Names". You will have to enter the payment details of your Studio in the registration form. Don't worry, you'll be able to change them later.
Then register a second account, this time selecting the third option "I wish to charge and I would like my check to be paid with another Screen Name(s)" and entering the Screen Name and password of the previously registered account in the required fields.
The registration form for the second account will have 4 fields for the Studio Owner and Administrator passwords. Fill them in, then fill in the rest of the details for the Chathost that you want to register.
Now, log on as one of the Chathosts you just registered. Choose Revenue Details from the blue menu on the left. In the upper right corner you will see a box describing your payout policy, the Studio number and a link to the Studio login page. Note the number and follow the link to access the Studio login page. There, enter either the Studio Administrator password (to access all information except the payment details) or Owner password (to access all, including payment details).
Then you can add more screennames, but always choose the third registration option.
The next step is to provide us with copies of government IDs of all the Chathosts you have registered (passport, national identity card or driver's license) that prove they are at least 18 of age (and a picture of themselves holding the ID close to the face). The procedure is described in detail at the Become Chathost page camcontacts.com/exhibinstructions.html (item 2).