никто никогда с великанами-людоедами не общался?
Grawolph says: Well, I'm big and green..... not so great a body.
Grawolph says: People run away screaming when they see me.
Grawolph says: I guess they don't like ogres....
Grawolph says: I would love to take you home with me and put you in my cave.....
Grawolph says: I have a nice swamp you can swim in.... if you don't mind the mud a little.
я says: what are u doing here? sweety?
Grawolph says: Looking for dinner.... er... someone to talk to.
Grawolph says: Beautiful ladies....
Grawolph says: You know it's hard for us ogres to socialize...
Grawolph says: I would love to find a lady to love..... but alas.... 'tis not such a lot for an ogre.
Grawolph says: So I'll just have to make do with beautiful ladies that I talk to.
Grawolph says: And I promise not to eat you.... that is... unless you want me to!
Grawolph says: hehe
Grawolph says: I have a tongue and I'm not afraid to use it!
Grawolph says: So Mary... you ready to run away with a sexy ogre?
Grawolph says: hehe