c профайла SerenaRio
on january 9th 2011 we held a 12 hour camathon in my room here on mfc to raise money for the people affected by the queensland floods. i grew up in queensland it's my home state, so this day meant absolutly more than you can imagine to me. The people who have been affected by the floods have lost their homes, businesses, furniture, personal items, and much more. They are running out of food and clean water to drink. over 100 disabled queendlanders are missing, and hundreds of queenslanders are injured. the money we raised here today will go towards helping rebuild the homes that many have lost, help fund the choppers that have been flying in food and fresh drinking water, and help with all the medical assistance.
during the 12 hour camathon we managed to raise a massive 115,000 tokens, or $5750.00, the original plan was to donate 60% of the money but after seeing the way many worked together to get it, it only felt right to me to donate 100% . I can not thank each and everyone of you enough for all your help im mind blown at the way you cared.
мда, девушка может себе позволить потратить свой дневной заработок на помощь пострадавшим, молодец, видела её онлайн, серенькая, 2 зубика вперед торчат, но капец,это не нащи 100 баксов за смену, она зарабатывает по 5750!!! просто респект и все такое. короче, очередной риторический вопос, как она это делает? я видела её вчера. лежала и с грустной мордочкой разговаривала, в штанах и топе, ничего не видно, макияжа нет, очередная загадка, горю от зависти