Где написанное мелким шрифтом до какого числа акция?
We’ve updated the chargeback policy! As you know, we do everything in our power to protect your earnings,
which is why we have an extra generous no-chargebacks policy. ImLive is proud to fully absorb all chargebacks so that you may keep your earnings.
Previously, this policy was based on a few conditions. From now on, that is no longer the case.
You will never again have to deal with another chargeback! ImLive will absorb all chargebacks, unconditionally.
они уже обещали no changebacks, never- и чарджбеки были, какой-то там процент, если больше 15 вроде.
зато писали такие слова-never .
может, у них опять какие-то исключения