Добрый вечер кто нибуть сталкивался с такой проблемой хотя вывожу уже больше 5 месецев 5 числа поставила ежедневку 6 написали это письмо возраст подтвержден в чем может быть проблема ?
{Chaturbate} Payment is Being Held Thank you for setting up your payment instructions on Chaturbate. We noticed, however, that you are asking that payment be made to a person for whom we do not have age verification or a signed performer agreement. In order to issue payment on your account using the instructions you have provided, we will need to confirm that the payee is over the age of 18 and have them electronically sign our standard performer agreement. You can upload age verification images for the payee and have them sign a performer agreement by visiting the following linkmoki
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