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Регистрация: 14 ноя 2004
Offline Активность: 10 июн 2009 17:32

Мои темы

кто нибудь сталкивался на амливе с таким их действием?

06 Июнь 2009 - 17:42

в периоде за май было 2 чарджбека .и еще 2 хоста имели кео какие деньги.сайт их деньгине прислал и пытается мне ответить вот что на мой вопрос почему деньги хостов не выслали
буду оч благодарн кто мне пояснит что они подразумевают под этой фразой-так как за 6 лет работы на амливе я стаикм не сталкивалась

i know that hosts V had charbeck 147.57$
host Ir had 15$ as chargeback too
but Host M09 had 95.34$ and host Mo had 68.31$ and these money are not chargebck
so explain me please why i never received money for pay period 1-15May if its not chargebacks?

-----Original Message-----
From: <[email protected]>
Dear ,
> Thank you for contacting ImLive customer service.
> As previously stated, you had 2 hosts who had chargebacks in their accounts.
> The chargebacks are deducted from your total earnings. The chargebacks
> totalled ($162.57).
> Please note that the total earnings your subhosts earned for the May 1-15
> pay period was $174.23. However, due to chargebacks from hosts
> > v and
> i please subtract -($162.57)= $11.66.

-Please note that since the total amount of chargebacks was higher than the total amount earned your earnings fell below the minimum payment amount that you have selected. As an agent, all of your subhosts earnings are combined into one payment.