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Регистрация: 03 апр 2018
Offline Активность: 09 май 2018 15:04

#670688 Chaturbate

sweet_pussy Написано sweet_pussy 19 Апрель 2018 - 19:13

пусси херня,меня часто просят чтоб подмышки волосатые были...

#670616 Chaturbate

sweet_pussy Написано sweet_pussy 19 Апрель 2018 - 16:51

При переводе средств на карту, валюта которой отлична от валюты перевода, сумма перевода конвертируется в валюту карты по курсу банка-эмитента держателя карты.

#669039 Chaturbate

sweet_pussy Написано sweet_pussy 16 Апрель 2018 - 09:07

Паксум прислал Document requirements
Please note that we are currently receiving a very large number of verification requests. Document verification delays will be brought back to normal shortly as we are adjusting the team in consequence.

In order to avoid unnecessary delays, please keep the following requirements in mind:

Residents of an EU country, Canada, Australia or Switzerland need to submit a single ID, such as the International Passport, National ID or Driver's License and a proof of address showing your last name and the address, issued in the last 6 months.

Resident of all other countries (ex: Russian Federation, Ukraine, Colombia, Philippines, etc.) need to submit an International Passport OR 2 other IDs, such as the National ID, Local Passport (available for Russian Federation and Ukraine citizens) Driver's License, Voter Card, Military ID or State ID and proof of address showing your last name and the, issued in the last 6 months.

We thank you for your patience.