LovensMan сказал(а) 16 Дек 2017 - 08:29:
Ну вот плиз на одном из форумов)) Бабенция с 50.000 подписонов просто в один день стала ничем на сайте.
my English is very bad, but I'll try to write more or less clearly!
the last 4 months, the site is experiencing huge problems, the models are not on the online list, even if they are active and they do not have a ban on the country, models do not have previews, the models disable bots, no traffic. to many models the site "gives traffic" making links by the type of "watermarks", there is no need to deny it, it is and even the members say it! I can not understand why you allow one thing to be done, and others who work honestly-do you curtail? why are you allowed to use Colombian farm studios, with stolen accounts to promote models, and the girls who used to work successfully you block the oxygen? for a very long time I was a half-hearted model and had incomes of 5-10 000 dollars, until on the 1st day, you sold the site and did not transfer the system of traffic redistribution! everything went away from me, I stopped appearing in the list of active models, it helped me only that I began to use VPN, only so I can appear in the listing! but that's not all, I repeatedly wrote in support, they do not try to understand, they write on the room there is no prohibition, but the fact that the models complain about this problem and write in all the forums of the world - it's all the same! it is important that the paid models receive money. what to do? answer when problems are gone? I love this site, but it seems to me that he will soon die, as many problems as now, the site has never been!
and yes, you do not need to say that I'm doing something wrong, 50,000 people do not go away like this, on day 1, if they leave, they go away gradually! I took top positions, top 1-3, and now I'm in the top, but from the other end. when will this change? when will you attract traffic evenly to all models, not just the favorites?
я хз, по-моему крайне хреновый пример, если проанализировать
50к подписчиков, топ 1-3... На таких позициях собирают от 1к подписчиков в день. Так что если она не привирает, то на сайте она либо 1-2 месяца, либо транслирует раз в неделю. О какой вообще стабильности может идти речь? Мемберы просто ней насытились и лаги тут не при чем.
Когда у меня была около 75к подписчиков, я стала резко терять позиции, с первой страницы свалилась на 3, мне нужен был час, чтобы собрать хотя бы 100 человек, а большим достижением было собирать 200-300 человек, отпали в основном постоянники, а потом они выдохлись. Вот только я не свалила все на лаги чатура, а месяц-два искала то, что вернет мне людей. Потому что 50к, 75к, даже 300к, не важно, если мемберам надоело.